Daily archives "September 3, 2007"

Happy Anniversary to us!

13 years of wedded bliss.

So are you saying “yeah, right!”? Long ago, while unmarried, I never really saw myself as the marrying kind. Even into my early 30’s, I didn’t think I would ever marry. But I certainly didn’t believe that marriage could be as happy as this.

Oh, shut up! It’s my turn to talk. 🙂

Seriously… there were always a few naysayers here and there. Many had no idea what they were talking about when we got married. They didn’t understand what kind of people we are. It’s funny now to look back and think that 13 years have gone by – and so quickly!

What’s even funnier, though, is that it seems like each day we seem to become a little closer. We laugh together, cry together (usually at the same silly stuff), and we have a fondness for family and friends who we’ve treasured through the years. We’ve certainly been through our share of ups and downs… but marriage-wise I don’t think we’ve ever had a time when we doubted how things would turn out. Now we’re at the point in our marriage where we talk about what we’ll do in our 60’s and 70’s together. It’s fun knowing that Diana is always going to be there.

A tribute to my wife goes something like this:

She is truly my best friend, my partner and my soulmate. I cannot live without her, and nor would I be able to be happy knowing she would never again be by my side. I will always cherish her smile, her laugh and her love. We are so alike, and so different, that it is often hard to tell where one of us stops and the other starts. I have found my life’s partner – today, again.

I love you, Diana.