Daily archives "April 9, 2009"

Let’s Get Excited

Commercial pastelsImage via Wikipedia

You know, it’s only a few days before Easter.

Chicks, bunnies, eggs, pastels, warm weather, cut grass smell, buds on the trees, daffodils in bloom… I’m a big fan of Spring.

Spring also means planning out the year’s approach to many things. Now, most of you know that we photograph only a handful of weddings each year. I love weddings… I really do. They are very time-consuming, though. The overall time we spend for a single wedding is upwards of 30-50 hours. I won’t bore you with the details, but the time spent is always well worth it, because there are so many great opportunities at weddings to do some great photo work, meet some amazing people, and have a lot of fun.

My primary focus this time of year goes to high school seniors. This part of our planning involves many, many hours of sitting in front of the computer, reviewing layouts for marketing and presentation, hiring and training new personnel, and instituting updated policies. I know, b-o-r-i-n-g! Well, the result is a phenomenal approach to high school seniors. This year, we are really revving up the engines here to prepare for what promises to be a wonderful spring and summer season.

So, what’s this post really about?

I’m excited! And besides, this is my blog. I’m taking a different approach to my blog this year, too. This year, I’m just going to post whatever, whenever… not just pictures. You need to hear my wisdom, I guess.

In a week or so, things will have greened up enough for me to show you some of our outdoor portrait park. It’s a gorgeous place… there’s even a beach!

Until then…

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