Daily archives "January 24, 2012"

9th Annual Most Beautiful Baby Contest

There’s lots more to this year’s contest than just pictures.  But first, here’s a copy of the flyer you may see around town.  It’s the official mini-poster.

Most Beautiful Baby Contest at TLC Photography

Now, on to a couple of additions for this year.

First, there are two contests.  The one we have run for the past eight years includes portraits for children from six months to 30 months.  You can read all about that one on the site, including some more picture ideas.  The other contest is for children 31 months and older.  In that contest, we will put all of the pictures on our Facebook page, where you can get your family and friends to vote by adding a “Like” to the picture you direct them to.  The prizes are similar, and the entry fees are the same… session fees go to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Second, we have partnered up with Jeni Harding of Dazzlin’ Divas, who provides a long line of beautiful hand-made tutus, hair bands and other accessories for your little divas.  The great part about this is that she has contributed four matching sets that we can use for YOUR child’s pictures.  You can also ask her to make one especially for your baby for their portrait session.  Just look at some of the pieces she made for us:

Dazzlin' Divas at TLC PhotographyBeautiful Tutus for picturesCustom headband by Dazzlin DivasClose-Up detail from a tutu

To get involved, call our studio (304-263-3100) or email us (mbb@tlcphotography.com) to schedule your session.  Pre-payment of the session fee is required to hold your appointment.