Rachelle has such a classic look, it was so easy to work with her. We enjoyed a very special moment during our first shoot together, when a friend of hers showed up and had a reunion moment; yes, caught on film.
Rachelle attends Jefferson High School, and we photographed her brother’s senior portraits two years ago. We’re looking forward to continue working with her this season.
For more information on senior portraits, visit our senior site.
Like so many of our best clients, most people come to us because they know someone who is already our client. Nicole, who attends Jefferson High School, came to us because her mom got some headshots done awhile back. We also did some restoration work for her.
Nicole is a very self-assured young lady, and we can’t wait to show you some more of her images… it’s going to be a great year!
To review all of our services, please check out our main website.
When we first meet most seniors, they are a little bit shy and reserve; not Samantha. She acted like she’d known me for years. And maybe she has… but it almost makes no difference. Her happy go lucky personality is so endearing (and contagious) that you can’t help but like her almost right away.
Samantha has been asking about seeing her photos since day one, even adding “my grandma wants to see them, too!” I accused her of pulling the “grandma card” on me. But here’s the first, with many more to come. Hedgesville High School will never be the same. 🙂
Want to learn more about our photography, including senior portraits, visit our main site, or go straight to our seniors-only site.
Here’s an eye-opener for ya. We photographed Mari’s older sister, Michelle, for her senior portraits some 13 years ago. That’s right… now we’ve come full circle with another great family. But how I met Mari is kind of funny, too. Michelle told me to say “hi” to her sister Mari for her when I was going to take Jefferson High School softball pictures last year. I went up to Mari and said “your sister said to say ‘hi’.” After a bit of a cross look, Mari (who is also nearly six feet tall) asks “how do you know my sister?” <gulp>
Recently, during one of Mari’s sessions, we agreed I was an okay guy, despite me being a “near-creeper” when we first met. Can’t wait to show you more from Mari’s sessions, but for now we have this little intro.
For more information about senior portraits, please visit our senior website.
I guess you could say that I met Kayla first as a dancer, and have known her for awhile. But Kayla moved on to other interests, which includes cheerleading for Martinsburg High School. She has a persistent smile, so I’m sure that helps.
One thing that is familiar among many of this year’s models is height. Kayla comes in at just under six feet tall, which always makes for an interesting opportunity in street-level shooting. In the studio, we just made her sit down. 🙂
You will be able to see more of Kayla’s (and all our senior models) images on our Facebook page. You can learn more about our senior portraits on our website.
Lynsey was one of those people I’ve photographed quite a bit, but never knew it. We first “met” when we have photographed her as part of her band performances at Boonsboro High School. When her mother called about the senior models program, well, it just had to be done.
Very quick-witted, Lynsey was able to keep up with my constant patter during her shoots. We’re very much looking forward to working with her in the coming months. Oh, and look for a post about her sister!
For more information about senior portraits, please visit our Senior Site!
Katy contacted us about our Senior Models program (and so can you!) from Musselman High School. She has a lot of ideas, and we have enjoyed working with her now for two complete sessions. I’m sure there’s much more to come.
Are you interested in getting discounted senior portraits? Refer someone to us, and get a 10% discount off your order (up to a total of 50% off!) For more information, go to our Seniors Page.
Haylee first impressed me some twelve years ago, when I met her as a tiny dancer. Her attitude hasn’t changed much; she’s in love with life, and has a passion for being what she wants to be.
Haylee is a 2012 Senior at Hedgesville High School. Her sessions were full of life, opportunity and drama… this is but one of many more to come of Haylee. If you have an opportunity to ask her about our senior portrait program, do so… she is one of our local models/ambassadors.
For more information on senior portraits, go to seniors.tlcphotography.com.