FREE Photo Evaluation
Many of my students over the last couple of years have asked “would you give me some criticism on a photo I took recently?” My answer is that I’m happy to do so. But a proper review is more than just a passing glance and a “yes, no or maybe” type of answer. 30 years of experience has given me the opportunity to learn and to teach that kind of experience. My hope over the years has been to convey at least some of my adventures over the years to others.
So, I’ll make everyone an offer. You can submit one photo, privately if you wish (via email), and I’ll provide a detailed review of the image and offer constructive criticism that will help you make the image better. Let me just warn you in advance, though. If you’ve added HDR to your image, or some kind of overblown special effect, I’m already not going to like it. Let’s see some real images, with your style attached.
I strongly dislike criticisms that don’t include a “here’s what I would do to make it better.” I’ll include it with each one. But please, for now, just one. If you like what I do for you, I’m happy to help you with others. There are most likely a lot of images that you’ve thought “hey, I really like this picture” but you weren’t sure if it was because you got some “Likes” on Facebook or because it has good photographic value.
Note: It’s important that you are as serious about your photography as I am about mine. Please don’t send snapshots and family pictures from vacation. Your best images from real sessions and weddings only, please. Let’s see your best work!
If you know me on Facebook, feel free to contact me there as well. If you want a non-private review, I can do that on Facebook for you.