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A wedding rehearsal

So I was at this wedding rehearsal where Diana was the minister and in complete command of the event at hand. The bride is lovely, although looking a little tense and ready to strangle someone… thankfully I wasn’t involved in the least. I was there to support my wife, Reverend Di.

I watch and listen politely, while playing a game on my Palm (Crosswords, in case you’re interested). I notice one of the owners of the Purple Iris, which is where we were (otherwise this would seem very odd indeed), come from what is essentially the carriage house carrying a huge platter of what looks like rolls or sandwiches. I continue to watch as she walks the path, turns into the kitchen area and disappears. I watch again as one of the employees does the same thing. And then again as the owner, Tiffany, brings yet another huge platter of these things.

The last trip, she drops of her platter inside and comes out to the herb garden and plucks a few somethings, then goes back in. A world of speculation comes to mind, of course. It’s rather late, and the only other thing going on at the place is a small meeting of some kind that has already broken up. So the only thing I can think they are doing is preparing for the wedding which is the next day.

A few more folks come and go, and Diana is at the stage in her rehearsal where everyone is doing a full run through. I’m a bit more interested now, because I’m a softy from way back and enjoy weddings a great deal.

Just then I noticed that someone was coming out of the kitchen, with a platter of whatever those things were, and taking them BACK toward the carriage house. And then another platter, and finally a third.

Now Diana will tell you I’m very nosey. I just think I’m curious. If I was nosey, I would have followed someone and asked what was on the platter.

I prefer to think that they were dinner rolls or even bread loaves that needed an additional sprinkling of herbs to make them complete before being baked early the next day or late that night. Of course, I could be way off and they were actually just messing with my head.

Once the rehearsal was complete, we left.

I still want to know what was on the platters.

Amber – A Miss Teen Contestant

Amber called us the day before she needed a portrait sitting to get a few photos she needed for her entries into the Miss Teen West Virginia Pageant. We were happy to help. Amber brought quite a few outfits and mostly just needed a few different looks and views.

Below is one of her photos.

We’re not sure when competition starts, but the camera seems to like Amber and we think she’ll do well.

Tamra’s a Senior!

We first met Tamra when she was a cheerleader in Jefferson Youth Football. Her mother was the coach of her team and was as enthusiastic and energetic as the players and cheerleaders themselves. It comes through in her daughter, who is not only pleasant and cheerful, but also somewhat soft spoken, but determined in what she wants.

Her sitting was a reflection of her personality. She was a great subject, and knew exactly what she wanted. We did a few shots in the studio, and then moved to the nearby Morgans Grove Park.

Below is our Roses shot, which she very much wanted… Diana and her mother helped set it up, patiently lying on the floor while we arranged flowers around her.

After roses came the mirror. A staple with so many seniors, this one was especially nice because the colors and hair complement the image.

Lastly, a photo at the park. We did plenty of others, and her mother called a few days later after saying there were some poses they didn’t do, to tell us that it wasn’t necessary since the photos we did do were wonderful and quite sufficient.

Tamra will graduate from Jefferson High School in 2007. We wish her the best of luck.

The Ramsey’s Anniversary Portrait

Each year, Becky Ramsey and her husband celebrate their anniversary with a portrait sitting and have contacted us for the last two years to do so. Below is their annual portrait from a short sitting.

Exit the Piano

So for a year or so we have been trying to sell our piano. It belonged to Diana’s grandmother, and when Diana’s mom asked if she wanted it, she agreed to take it because Jess and Tara both had some musical interest and it might be beneficial to have around.

Until now. It mostly gathered dust, was a haven for a dog to lie under, and was a table for things that needed a home when we walked in the door.

So Diana listed it on Craig’s List. This was the first time she’d listed anything there. Two days later she got a call from a person who was viewing Craig’s List for the first time. They came to look at it a few days later, and agreed to take the piano. But they didn’t have the manpower or transportation to take it right away.

But today, they did. 🙂

With a piano lifting gizmo, four extra sets of hands, a lift-gate trailer, a big pickup to pull it with, and a little patience and coordination, the piano was gone about 30 minutes after they arrived.

We moved the chaise lounge into its place, and love having the extra room.

Of course, now I don’t have a place to sit my laptop bag. 🙁

Martinsburg High’s Marching Band

There’s no question that you have to be talented to play a musical instrument. But there is certainly a degree of lunacy which accompanies being in a marching band. 🙂

Upon arrival, and while walking across the football field to where the band was getting in place there was mild cheering coming from the band. Jeff, my senior photographer motioned for an increase in volume, and apparently that also meant a standing ovation for my arrival. I felt kind of conspicuous, but also a bit honored. Many of the parents present were also cheering.

After making a few changes to the setup on the bleachers, and climbing up on the field commander’s platform, I managed to take a few shots of the band. Just before I climbed back down, though, they also wanted a “silly” picture. Happy to oblige, I took one.

Both images are below.

We will be providing photos to Martinsburg High School’s Band Spectacular on September 16. Look for more posts then.

Marcia’s Bridals

We photographed Marcia’s wedding back in May at the groom’s mother’s home. It was a lovely affair, and you can read about it earlier in this blog.

Marcia did want some formal photos done in the studio, and all of our wedding packages include a bridal portrait sitting. So we took some photos in-studio, which apparently made her very happy. Below is one of the back images.

Diana also did some work on one of the photos we took with our big-window scene.

Marcia and her husband are moving to North Carolina this week, and we wish them the best of luck on their move.

Nathan’s Senior Portraits

Nathan came to us because we’d done so many dance photos of his sister, Taylor.

Like me, Nathan’s past time includes computer and talking on the phone. At one point I asked Nathan if he had a headset so he could talk on the phone and on the computer at the same time. After his mother got done laughing at that, both agreed that it was one of those things that teens do, but especially Nathan.

Nathan told me he was very interested in architecture and drawing, and would like to continue his education in that field. I wish him well in that pursuit.

He also loves his car, Bertha.

He declined the opportunity to have pictures taken with his little sister, Taylor. 🙂

Gameday Magazine

Yep, more for Gameday. Kip was pretty easy going this time. He wanted to meet me at Hedgesville High at noon for photos of two of the area’s superior volleyball players. We set up a few great moments for photos, but we had to do some adjusting in order to demonstrate more about these girl’s athleticism.

A spike is a thing of power.

And look at how high this kid can jump! Her knees are at the bottom tape!

I ended up standing on a table to get the best angle. Thanks to Kip for keeping me from crushing that poor table.

Santa’s Kitchen

It’s not what you think.

It’s not North Pole Santa… just cut it out. You KNOW I hate the cold.

Valley Homes and Style Magazine (you HAVE to get this magazine) asked me to do the photos for a feature article on a kitchen that looks more like one for a restaurant than your traditional oven and stove-type kitchen.

Without giving away too many of the details, I’ll just say that my heart went pitter-patter at the two convection ovens, six-burner gas stove WITH griddle and air-pump ventilation, two dishwashers, all-granite countertops and large work areas. As someone who loves spending time in the kitchen, I wanted to take part of this one home with me. But fortunately, I have pictures.

Here’s an overall view of the kitchen.