A visit to the doctor

So, I’ve had this little throat issue for the last week or so… hard swallowing, little bit raspy. So I went to the doctor. He looks in my throat, tells me it looks a little red, but not anything to be concerned with.

See, previously Diana looked at it and saw some white spots. Being the cautious ones that we are, we considered the possibility it coule be something viral, which is why I called the doctor.

So, he did a throat culture just to be safe. Involves swabbing the back of my throat (let me tell you how much fun THAT was), and placing the swab into a little single-use device which tells him in about 5-10 minutes whether there is a strep virus present.

He goes out, comes back about five minutes later and is showing me this little gizmo. He says that if the little marker in the window is pink, then it is likely that there is a strep virus present. But mine showed all blue, no pink.

I looked at my good doctor, gave him my best dejected face and asked “does this mean I’m not pregnant?” He and Diana just shook their heads.

The conclusion was that I’m fine and am probably having a reaction to ragweed, very common this time of year.

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