Hit and Run

Today I was the victim of a crime.

While travelling back from errands in Shepherdstown, I was being tailgated by a woman in a gray (with blue trim) Bronco (or similar vehicle). I slowed down to allow her to pass. At the appropriate time, she did so. But before completing the pass, she pulled over into my lane, striking the front left side with the right rear of her vehicle. I was run off the road and beyond the shoulder. Fortunately, that area does not have much of a drop off and I maintained control of the car.

I was injured in this accident. My shoulder and neck were slightly traumatized. I seem to be okay at the moment, but will be consulting a physician.

The saddest part of this is that the woman who hit the car, caused considerable damage to it, and who caused me pain and injury LEFT THE SCENE OF THE ACCIDENT. I was stunned. I guess I’m too trusting. I assumed that while I was getting out of my vehicle, getting ready to call the police if needed, that she too would be parking and getting her information ready to exchange. Instead, she sped away.

Ordinarily I wouldn’t post a traffic accident in my blog. But because it is no longer a traffic accident, and instead a serious crime, I have to speak out. Folks, if you are in an accident, DON’T RUN AWAY. It will be worse if you are caught!

How can you help? Here’s a description of the driver and the vehicle. I was not close enough to her to see the license tag before she pulled away.

The driver was female, about 55-65, with long dark hair and hints of grey. She was wearing eyeglasses and appeared to be tanned. At the time she was wearing a dark shirt. I saw her fairly well because she was tailgating very close before she tried to pass me.

The vehicle was a dark grey (possibly with blue trim) Ford Bronco or similar vehicle. We were travelling on Potomac Farms Drive at about 1:45pm on Friday afternoon. The damage to her car should be swirl and scrape marks on the right rear panel of the vehicle (passenger’s side), and possible wheel or wheel-cover and tire damage. The car I was driving is a midnight blue color, so there may be some paint transfer onto her vehicle.

If you know this person, or if you see this vehicle, please contact the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office at 304-728-3205 or 304-725-8484. The report was filed by Office B.S. Williams.

Thank you all for your concern and assistance in locating this person. Please do not send the information to me, as I cannot do anything to or about this person.

To the other driver: Please call the police. I feel we can work this out without involving charges or threats.

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