House Painting

You ever start a project that you’re very excited about, and you are still excited about it half way through, and then at some point you wonder “why did I get into this?” While I haven’t gotten to that point with my house painting, I am seeing things on my house that I would never have known about if I hadn’t been within two feet of them. For example, did you know that sideboards on a house only overlap and that there is NO seal between one and the other? Does their need to be?

Anyway, we didn’t paint on Sunday. I was so sore and tired from my twelve-hour day on Friday and a long day of sittings on Saturday. We did go to a movie, though. Saw “The DaVinci Code,” which I really enjoyed. There were a couple of slow spots, but they made a lot of sense in the end. We also did our weekly shopping. Nothing spectacular there. Afterward we went to Jerry’s Subs for a Dijon Chicken and an Angus sub. I wasn’t impressed with the value (the size is kind of small for the $$$), but they tasted pretty good. Also, Jerry’s needs to reconsider how they build their sandwiches. They put the veggies on the deepest part of the inside of the roll, then the meat and sauce. It makes things really messy and the meat falls out and onto your lap – not fun at 55mph. The best sandwich builders of national chains is Subway in my opinion, although they sometimes soak the bread too much with the sauce. Quiznos does a pretty good job, but their meats are sometimes more fatty than others.

Today we were lazy getting started and just before we did, Tari Jo called and needed two more pictures for her ads. We went into the studio where Diana printed them out while I went and got gas for the mower and ran another errand.

When we got back to the house, Diana put a second coat on the back door. I finished edging each of the windows on the back of the house (except for our bathroom window which has a considerably large Holly bush underneath which needs to be trimmed). I also edge-trimmed the door on the side porch, but that’s the side of the house that’s going to need two layers of paint – I’m hoping that the power sprayer will be sufficient in one pass for that, though.

We quit early because we’re both sore and tired. I’ll pick up my task on Thursday, since Tuesday and Wednesday nights I’m shooting dance action photos at Academy of Dance. I look forward to the dance action each year. All of the dance studios we shoot have very different approaches and styles. Of course, the similarity is the real reason I do it – the kids. 🙂

See you all later this week!

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