One of the most popular questions we get from just about everyone is “what should I wear?” And aside from the smarty-pants answer of “clothes,” we often suggest these options to keep things looking smart when you dress.
For Family Portraits, you want unity. Unity means (loosely) that you are wearing similar color sets. For example, all blues, pastels, earth tones, and so on. If just one person deviates from a color set, you end up with ONE visible standout, and then everyone else in the picture. Sticking with a color set ensures that everyone is noticed equally. Here are a few ideas for you that might help inspire your selections:
For Senior Portraits, we recommend sticking with your style. If you want real diversity in your images, select something casual, something fancy, and either something from your sport or activity at school, or something that you are really comfortable in. We are always happy to guide you, of course.
See more family & senior portraits on our website.