Impressions (Jane)

Since starting the Impressions service, we’ve converted many images into stunning pieces of art… Diana’s department I assure you.

Before you continue with this entry, though, go see the original picture of Jane on her wedding day, getting ready for the ceremony —> PhotoGeek: Jane and Rob

Now, take a peek at the same image with Impressions applied.

See what I mean? The image is the same. The difference is so dramatic it seems like a completely different image.

Diana has made a huge difference in what our studio can do for our clients. And that has inspired me to be even better at my job, so she can be even more creative in hers.

Comments ( 3 )

  1. Elaine

    Awesome as usual! You guys had a very busy day! WONDERFUL photos.

  2. Anonymous

    That is an absolutely beautiful picture. And what a difference! You guys are always surprising me!
    Michelle McDougall

  3. Tony

    You are very kind. We have always loved making great images. We have only recently had tools with which we have been comfortable enough to create the kind of images we have longed to produce.

    Best to all!

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