Julia and David

My first time in St. James Catholic Church (the new one) in Ranson, WV. It’s rather an inspiring scene. When we first walked in, the lights were off. Someone there (I couldn’t see them) asked if I wanted the lights on. Well, yes. This made me happy. ๐Ÿ™‚
There are often inspiring moments throughout the service. I respect the sanctity of any wedding service, regardless where it is held. There are some moments that are more special than others.
During formals I sometimes have the opportunity to just look around and capture what is going on. This shot, of the bride (obviously) was a catch, not posed. The light was just beautiful on her.
It seems like every wedding has its challenges with the dress. This scene is so typical of a bustling, as every gets involved.
We want to wish Julia and David a happy life together. They were planning a family shortly after their nuptials.

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