A Brief Baby Contest History
Thirteen years ago, we had no idea what we were creating when we crafted a tiny fundraiser for a very big cause. Our objective was to raise funds for a worthy charity. Since then, it has become our annual fundraiser for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Every year has been different. But one thing remains constant; the babies are all beautiful.
The concept is simple enough. The session/entry fee is donated to St. Jude (this year, we raised $560 via the fees), we get quality time with some wonderful families and their babies, and everyone gets great pictures! But there has to be an end result… there has to be a winner – it is a contest after all.
So, there are winners.
How It Works
Each parent picks the photo they want to enter into the contest from the portrait sittings we do. Some choose black & white photos, others color. Some select smiling photos, others where their child is looking away in wonder. But in each case, it’s their own view of just how beautiful their own baby is. And we couldn’t agree more this year with the choices. So many beautiful babies.
There are four judges. Two are in other parts of the country, and two are closer to home. We always make sure that the judges do not know any of the contest entrants or their parents. Their anonymity is also important to the contest results. They are presented the photos in a numbered gallery (no names are used), and rank their favorites based on a very specific criteria (which we explain to each of the parents). They send us their selections as #1, #2 and #3. The baby with the most points… well, wins.
There are five winners. Two honorable mentions, a third, second and grand prize winner. Gratefully, there was no conflict in the numbers… no tie-breaking was needed.
The Results
Here’s how it played out.
Our two honorable mentions:
The third place winner:
Our second place winner:
And this year’s grand prize winner and our Most Beautiful Baby:
The winners are being contacted separately about prizes.
We want to thank our participants, judges, and everyone else who was involved in the contest this year. It was a fabulous fundraiser, and we are planning many more in the future.
To see more of the baby pictures from this year’s contest, visit our Facebook Page. To learn more about our children’s program, visit our website.