What is a Concept Shoot?
In the past several months, we’ve been using the term “concept shoot” on Facebook from time to time. So, you might be curious as to what a concept shoot means or entails.
Frequently, us creative types get visions of imagery that we want to create. While many of the best concept shoots require lots of advance planning, some do not. One type of concept shoot is that which involves a specific scenario, location or setup. Another type is usually more grandiose, including several people, increased lighting and setup, and plenty of time to create a one-of-a-kind image.
The reason we do concept shoots is to test certain ideas. For example, we recently did a concept shoot involving people with tattoos. The objective was to photograph tattooed skin with as much dramatic light as possible, enhancing the overall appearance of the tattoo. To do that, we recruited models who had tattoos. The concept was to create this dramatic lighting in the studio.
This is just one example. Some are considerably more elaborate. We are working on two now (in the planning stages) that involve a much bigger canvas and some cooperation from the weather and other circumstances.
If you want to be part of any of our future concept shoots, please let us know. We welcome onlookers and those who want to learn… but don’t be surprised if we ask you to haul equipment or handle the lighting or something.