The Battista’s

Mary Lowe called early in the week last week and asked me to take some photos of her family on Saturday, June 17 at a family reunion that she quickly put together. When I got there, there was a wedding party in the lobby having pictures taken.

As family members began to trickle in, and as the wedding party moved to another part of the Clarion, I set up my lights and got ready for the picture of the group. Essentially, it was my task to take a picture of about 50-60 people on the stairs in the lobby. Setting it up took some time, as people are often not as tall as they think they are or think that because they can see the photographer that the photographer can see them.

Well, as it turns out, we didn’t do so bad. It took six tries to get this one, but everyone’s eyes are open and I can see almost everyone’s face clearly.

I also took shots of other family groups for review by them. It was great working with everyone, and especially seeing Mary and her family again.

By the way… in case you’re viewing this Andrew – I DID remember your name eventually. Right? :-

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